As part of my plan to overhaul the pipeline at work I've created a few scripts to manage file creation and saving. The idea is to standardize file naming, render outputs and render passes with the plan to automate later stages of the pipeline such as auto creating previews and nuke projects.
As these scripts are getting larger and larger I've decided to share my public Git repo rather than pasting the entire code block here.
What this main script will do:
- Search the target drive for available project folders
- Create max file in the correct location based of the project selected in the UI.
- Set render outputs to the correct location with the correct naming convention.
- Set all render passes to the studio standard.
- Set 3D Studio Max settings (fps, render size) based of selection of a 16:9 or 360 project.
- Allow for scene or asset generation with some different settings based on this choice.
- Allow for the Version and Take up tools to work, maintaining the file naming convention and updating the render outputs when necessary.
There are 3 additional scripts that I've created for the pipeline overhaul.
The first is a folder generation script. This contains 2 parts, a bat file and a python file. The bat file can be placed in any location on any drive and once the path inside points to the python file it will create a folder structure in the root of the drive the bat file is currently stored on. The name of this project will fit our current format <Date>_<JobCode>_<JobName> with the user providing the job code and name and the script auto formatting the current date into a usable format.
The second and third files are for versioning up the max files created using the Max Project Generator script. These will maintain the correct naming conventions and update with new render paths if the prompt is answered with yes.